Linking code: Replace the XXXXXX part at the end with your Latino Caliente Affiliate ID you received from CCBill during signup.
New Banners 

[ 544 x 80 pixels - 20.5 KB ]

[ 544 x 80 pixels - 47.6 KB ]
Animated Banners

[ 468 x 80 pixels - 34.5 KB ]

[ 468 x 80 pixels - 36.3 KB ]

[ 468 x 60 pixels - 51.5 KB ]

[ 468 x 80 pixels - 62.7 KB ]
Odd Sized Animated Banners
[ 100 x 100 pixels - 25.9 KB ] |
[ 100 x 100 pixels - 20.8 KB ]
Static Banners

[ 468 x 80 pixels - 15.5 KB ]

[ 468 x 80 pixels - 14.0 KB ]

[ 468 x 60 pixels - 21.4 KB ]